Saturday, September 26, 2009


Well as the stories below tell you it was quite a night last night. I have so many pictures I probably need another day to look through them all. Ah the results of a happy shutter button are always good. If only I could pack my SLR in....

Thanks to Lucinda for spending her honeymoon with us last night. Buick 6 rocked too! It was awesome!

Hey until next time, I will see you down the road.

Oh My Little Honey Bee...

The pit was bouncing on this one. Go buy the cd "Little Honey." and listen to Honey Bee. You just had to be there. It was good. Or....

I would like to ask Lucinda about the inspiration for this song. The last time I saw her she had been at a gig with Mike Campbell and Tom Petty in California. And of course he does a honey bee song too. I have seen the Heartbreakers do it on stage twice. Cool.

Too Cool to Be Forgotten...

Buick 6, the backing band for Lucinda WIlliams opened the show with some instrumentals which you can listen to on the MySpace link I added above for you. They are all very talented. In fact they ended the opening set with a medley of Led Zeppelin songs which completely blew the audiences wigs off. Honestly I saw the wig collectors working the back of the theatre on overtime last night! Anyway, when they finished the Led Zep the crowd roared with delight. It was awesome. Really.

Here is a link to another set of photos that are shot with a full SLR and frankly smoke my handheld..ah but a handheld is all I can get in my pocket! Great photos and more information:

You can't depend on anything really
There's no promises there's no point
There's no good there's no bad
In this dirty little joint
No dope smoking no beer sold after 12 o'clock
Rosedale Mississippi Magic City Juke Joint
Mr Johnson sings over in a corner by the bar
Sold his soul to the devil so he can play guitar
Too cool to be forgotten
Hey hey too cool to be for gotten

Eric Schermerhorn!

Eric can rock!! He played many very nice guitars last night. At times he was three feet from me. This photo was one of my favorites as I held an exact copy of this guitar in my hands a couple of weeks ago in Guitar Center admiring it.
This particular song being played as I took this picture was "Fruits of My Labor." And the performance was well "Off the Meter" as I say. What songwriting and what musicians...yes yes, what a night.

Come to my world and witness
The way things have changed
'Cause I finally did it, baby
I got out of La Grange

Got in my Mercury and drove out west
Pedal to the metal and my luck to the test
Baby, sweet baby

I been tryin' to enjoy all the fruits of my labor
I been cryin' for you boy but truth is my savior

Baby, sweet baby if it's all the same
Take the glory and day over the fame
Baby, sweet baby

Metal Firecracker

Before every show I go to I like to listen to the background music playing over the PA system and try to see if the music is selected by the sound crew or the artist. As I listened last night I heard two ZZ Top songs and thought "I know where that comes from." And a nice song it is...

Once you held me so tight
I thought I'd lose my mind
You said I rocked your world
You said it was for all time
You said that I would always be your girl
We'd put on ZZ Top
And turn em up real loud
I used to think you were strong
I used to think you were proud
I used to think nothing could go wrong
All I ask
Don't tell anybody the secrets
Don't tell anybody the secrets
I told you
All I ask
Don't tell anybody the secrets
I told you

Lucinda Williams Last Night.

It is no secret to those who know me that I am a huge fan of Lucinda William's music. I was very happy to see her return to Greensboro so I could see her perform again. Better yet I had third row seats and ended up watching the last half of the show from the pit. What a night! 992 pictures later I am now blogging and listening to her catalog in my studio as I write this.
Did I mention that we were extremely fortunate to have her in this small Greensboro town? Go look where she is playing. Yes, fortunate indeed. All thanks to some special people in Greensboro I won't name here.

This tour is the 30th year for Lucinda and she just got married to her tour manager Tom Overby at the opening concert in Minneapolis last Friday. Lucinda borrowed the idea from one of her heroes, Hank Williams, who married his second wife during a concert in New Orleans in 1952. Tom is a Minneapolis native. Lucinda was born in Louisiana as you can hear in her accent which, by the way I happen to love to listen to.

He had a reason to get back to Lake Charles
He used to talk about it
He'd just go on and on
He always said Louisana
Was where he felt at home
Did an angel whisper in your ear
And hold you close and take away your fear
In those long last moments
Did an angel whisper in your ear
And hold you close and take away your fear
In those long last moments

Last Night at the Carolina Theatre in Greensboro.

One of my favorite places to see a show as you can tell if you go back through my blog... I looked up from my seat during the show and snapped this photo of the beautiful gold trim over the stage.

As one of the previous mayors said from the stage last night, "This is your Carolina Theater" It is a non-profit theatre and the sold-out house was contributing heavily to keeping it alive beyond this generation.
Rock on. I will be back.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Ilo Ferreira...

Photo by:

Want to see an awesome slideshow?

Ilo is coming to Key West in a month. I will report on that the meantime enjoy these photos from Julie Skarratt. I think they are very good! Off the meter!

Ilo is now a mailboat records recording artist. And if you look at his acoustic guitar it is a signature edition Martin Jimmy Buffett Shellback model. Very nice!

If you are a fan of Jimmy Buffett you will see some people you know...from the Steven Talkhouse very recently.

Ilo and Buffett fans click here:

I knew I should have gone...Oh watch for Mr. VH1 Bill Flanagan in these pictures. Another one of JB's running pals. I really enjoy Bill's music reviews on CBS Good Morning ...

Very cool. Until next time, I will see you down the road...